Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thanks Jennifer!

My good friend Jennifer passed along this blog award to me.....Now it is time for me to pass it along to some of my "bloggy" friends as well!

Here are the rules:
1. When given the award, you list 7 things that you love.
2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you love. Be sure to tag them and let them know that they've won! (You can copy the pictures and post it to your sidebar).

7 Things That I Love:

1. God
2. My husband and little girl (Bill and Allie)
3. My Family - Mom, Dad, Jess & Kev, Jo & Stephen
4. My In-Laws & Fam - Mr. & Mrs. Bauer, Cindy, Memaw & Papa, GG & Grandad Bauer and a host of others!
5. Spending time with family
6. Friends
7. Blogging/Reading Blogs

Now I give this award to 7 friends and bloggers (this means you get to put the cute little award on your blog, so don't let me down by not participating and passing it on :-))

1. Lindsay Lovoy
2. Peyton Diliberto
3. Brandy Totten
4. Robyn Forrester
5. Nikki Christian
6. Julie Howanitz
7. Danna Orton

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